This is Terrell Ross and and a M-60 at the range Jan 1969

Left to right. Ross, Fisher and Kirk, a training day at the range with a bunch of new guys Jan 1969. We all became Rangers
a few days after this.

The photos above and below were taken in Jan 1969. We were training some of the new replacement we got just before we were
disiginate M Co 75th Rangers.

More new guys. The looked impressed. That's Sgt Bosqueze seated on the platform to the right. Same day photo 1969. Terrell
Ross below, coming off the same tower.
A group of Lrrps at Firebase Barbara I think in 1969. Dave Wolfenbarger is second from left standing, with Kirk and Ross
the next two men to his left......the others I don't recall.

This group above is identified as Team 1-4. I recognize Wolfenbarger, Kirk, and Wintermute, with a Kit Carson Scout, the
other men I don't recall. Taken in 1969. This is me here in the photo below, on the training
tower showing the new guys how to do it.

This is me screwing around with a small python at some firebase up the line from Barbara. I think it might have been FSB Nancy,
just a guess. I was waitng to catch a chopper to Barbara, and catch up to the unit after completing Recondo Training at Nha
Trang. I was happy to be alive, having survived a three day ordeal in the mountains above Nha Trang. The picture below is
at the same place, the chopper is a "LOACH".

This is Lt Eason with a M-1 Carbine at the rifle range during the same training period. Below is Terrell Ross in his cool
shades...the same day.

This is the Gate to Cat- Lai, one of the first places the 71St worked form. I understand there has been a big electrical
plant built there now.

This is the place called "The Mud Hole". It was about five miles south of Saigon. The unit worked out of here
for awhile, before my time with the unit.

The photos above and below are of a 122mm rocket and it launcher that were captured as a result of a 71st LRP Det mission.
Photos courtsey of Robert Smalinckas. This happened during his tour. Thanks for the photo Robert.


This is "Wolf', myself and "Ross" at the EM Club. I snuck in there with my Bros once or twice. This was during
the time we regrouped and trained replacements just as we became M Co 75th Rangers. I think they knew us Lrrp Nco's snuck
in there with our men. They left us alone.

This is PFC Dan Fisher. Taken at the training tower area. He's gettin some rope to introduce the new guys to the "Tower".
The photo below is of the party we had after the training program. A little celebration before heading back to
Barbara as " Rangers".

"Wolf" at the fishnet factory. The "fishnet" was on the south outskirts of Siagon. This is where the
unit was deployed when I joined up. I think I was only at the factory twice, once for an ass chew by the CO. This is the
only photo I have of it, thanks to David Wolfenbarger.