Here you'll learn all about the 71ST Long Range Patrol Detachment. I hope to develope a history of this unit that I served
in a long time ago. I hope this site can be a place for others who served with the 71St to come and visit, find links to old
friends, share their stories and contribute to the unit history.

My name is Steve Houghton, and I was an Army LRRP in Vietnam in 1968-69. That's me in the picture, posing beside Terrell
Ross's locker. I was sending a message home to my wife, she didn't like the pin up. (As it turns out, this locker was originally
Jack Fuche's locker. He's responsible for the "Keep the Faith" message. Ross took it over when Jack went home
on an emergency leave. You never knew when or if a man would come back or not when they left like that. Jack set me straight
about that recently.) Specifically, I served with the 71st Long Range Patrol Detachment. That's our unit sign
as it appeared on our barracks at Camp Frenzel Jones. The 71st was attached to the 199th Light Infanty Brigade, "Redcatchers".
One day in 1969 the 71st became M Co 75th Rangers. All the LRRP units in Vietnam became Rangers overnight. I've visited
many of these individual Ranger- LRRP sites on the web, and to be truthful I'm jealous of them all. And that is why I want
to build this site for my unit, "The 71st LRRPs". So here goes, bear with me, I'm slow at this stuff, it will take
some time to make it good. Check out the different pages, forgive the typing and spelling errors. Keep
checking back, it's a work in progress. I'm interested in your comments and suggestions. Like I said, I want this to be
"our" site, the men of the 71St LRP. Yes, Yes I know! M Co 75th Rangers too! All are welcome to comment and contribute.
