Who are these guys partying in my hooch? This was taken about mid January 1969. The whole unit was back at Frenzel Jones.
We were training new replacements then, and were about to be turned into M CO 75th Rangers. These lrrps were having a good
time in my hooch. From left to right, Charlie Hunt, David Wolfenbarger, I don't remember this man's name, Terrell Ross, Peter
Groom, and another lrrp whose name is gone to me. All these men were in the unit before I arrived.

This Sergeant, the guy in the iced beer trailer, was from Texas. He and I joined the unit the same day. When
we caught up to the unit deployed at the "Fishnet factory" he got on the CO's shit list right away. It seems some of the veterans
in the unit wanted sneak into Saigon to some bar the lrrps liked, and he and I, like idiots went along. I knew better than
to spend the night, unlike most of the other guys, (Jack, does this ring a bell) so I got one of them to take me back. I had
no idea where we were or how to get back. This was my first day in the field! Sure enough we had a unit formation. The CO
didn't appreciate the new replacements NOT being there! Well the next day I met the CO....... It wasn't fun! The fact
that I came back and didn't spend the night in the bar, like some other fools, got me just an ass chewing and not an article
15 and fine, like this guy! Some guys lost a stripe over this! Nice introduction to the unit! Good job Sgt Houghton, that's
how you do it! This man and I went to Recondo School together, but do think I can remember his name? How can I forget
this guy? Anybody know his name? ...............Follow up...........some two yrs later..........I finally found this
man's name in Tom Halliwell's book , "A History of MACV Recondo School (1966-1971)" His name is Charles J Hamm.

David Wolfenbarger, Peter Groom, Me, and Terrell Ross. Peter and I took our rank off and snuck into the EM club with our

This photo was taken in late Jan 1969. The two men on the outside were new to the unit. I have forgotten their
names. The man in the center was a veteran, his name is Kirk L Rich. See the "Recondo" patch on his right pocket. That means
he could not only "talk the talk" but he could "walk the walk". The man on the left went out on a mission on my team at least
once. I remember he was a good shot. The man on the right was one of the new replacements we got when Lt Eason took command.
He was assigned to my team, I remember that. But we never went on a mission together. I left Nam suddenly, and I never saw
him again. Anybody know their names or where abouts?

Anybody remember this fellow. Picture was taken late November 1968 or early December. Update.......Aug
2002.......I believe this man's name is Dennis N Sanchez.

Tex Hardin on the left and David Wolfenbager. I don't have a story about Tex, I didn't know him.

I recognize some of these lrrps. It's Jack Fuche and Dave Wolfenbarger in the middle. The man in the back center with his
right hand raised is Sgt Earl. The man to his right, you can only see half of his face, is Sgt Welty. I went out with Sgt
Welty a few times before I got my own team. I was his ATL on the "Heavy" team that ambushed the the VC unit Christmas
day 1968. I ran into Sgt Welty at Selfridge Air Force Base, in Mt Clemens Michigan. I was there TDY, doing military funerals,
waiting on paperwork, when he came through there. I think he was on an emergency leave or something. Jack knows some
of the other fellows names. I'll post them when I get back to him.
And speaking of Jack, here he is as a "Cherry". His first days in the unit, hanging around the bunkers. Check
that hat out. It seems he wore the thing all through his time in Nam.........and he stills has it today!

This was taken Feb 10th or 11th 1969. The fellow in the beret with glasses is from the Indiana Guard unit that
trained with the 71st or at this time M Company 75th Rangers. The other beret wearing lrrp at the back of the truck is SSG
Wash Davis. Davis I believe was from Texas. I met him at the "Fishnet" when I reported to the field in Nov 68.

Sergeant Bosquez is second from the right in this group photo. He snuck into the EM club too. The man to his right use to
take care of our radios, I remember that much about him. His name is lost to me after all these years along with the other
two men in fatigues. The man in civies I don't think was in our unit. If you know these men by name, let me know please..........Aug
2001... I have since learned the names of two of these men. The name of the fellow on the left is Ward, and the guy on
the right is Worden.
In the photo below, the man on the right is "Henderleiter". The man in the middle drove our "duce and a half".
The man on the left, I have forgotten. Anybody know out there?.......Aug 2001.....I have since identified the man in the
middle as Worden. Since I first wrote this, "Tim" Henderleiter has checked in. Nov 26, 2001 to be exact. Tim,
aka "funny" informs me that the lrrp on the far left was called "Whitey". His real name is probably Whiting.
Tim lives in Kansas City today. He has three children and two grandkids, and says things are good for him. Thanks for
checking in Tim.

Who are the two men in the center of this photo? It's Kirk on the left with Wolf on the right standing next to Wintermute.

Wolf has his back to us and the man with the shades is "Leon". Who are these other men?

This photo was taken late Jan 1969. Anyone know this LRRP?.........I think now (Aug 2001), that this fellow is named Ward.....one
of our drivers.

This is Jack Fuche and Sgt Mark. Jack says this was taken back at base camp, "Frenzel Jones" Christmas day or Christmas
Eve 68. He and Mark had come back off a mission done near the camp. He recalls monitoring radio transmissions concerning
the heavy team in contact that same day. Turns out I was on that team as Sgt Welty's ATL. They sure looked concerned
don't they!

This is Jack and his teamleader directing some slicks in to board, for a mission to the "pineapples" involving the
whole unit. This was taken near the "Fishnet" factory. This Sgt with Jack got beaten up in Saigon. The Saigon
Cowboys hurt him so bad he was sent home. I forgot his name already.........I'll post it soon.